jeMput, JemPuT mAi bAca

jeMput, JemPuT mAi bAca

Sunday, June 5, 2011

teh tarik punyer psal....

giler ar smlm,,,,
pkene teh tarik ngn char koey teow!! perghh,,, sgguh sedap tidak terkata bersama2 dengan nasi gunung itu,,, the moment we cant forget....

lagi hebat, kitorang bwk sndri roti dr bilik 2 buku.... pewitt!!!! LAGI HEBAT! kitorang lepak kt cafe boys (angsana). semua org pndg2...

gmbr xupload lg... maybe next time la kot..
tu jer kot ntok hr nie,, continue back with my work... baca setiap inci mklumat tntg saraf di otak...
phew thats a lot of work...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

relief !!!

at last!!, the time has come..

dpt jgk taw result akhrnya... amin ANP yg sume org freaking scared tkot failed,,,, aku brjya atasinya dgn cemerlang perhaps not to cmrlg la kn tp atleast aku LULUS!!!!.ehem,,, tp kpd sape2 yg fail, jgn ptus hrpn.. masih ada hrpn lg kwn2 ku yg tersyg... i'll keep it as our secret okeyh..
so, stkt ni je la... aku boleh tido dgn tenang la agknye mlm ni..... wlaupon aku xpuas aty ngn result aku tp,,, hei! manusia ni xpnh puas aty ngn ape yg dye ade an?? hehehehehehe...... alhamdulillah!!!
aku akn usha kuat lg... aku hrp mak ngn ayah aku de la ptah smgt bdoa kt aku siang mlm. tp aku taw, dorg msti agk sdeyh an.... sori la mummy, daddy.... anakmu ini xdpt ape yg u all hrpkn...

Monday, May 23, 2011


within 2 days, result akan kluar,,, what a surprise!! tkotnyerr...~~but, i tried my best already so TAWAKAL aja....
cne ni? cne ni? cne tu? alamak!!!! tkot la... tkot kne repeat... doa dlm solat, xde yg lain da skrg ni x lain xbukan, YA ALLAH, JGN LA BAGI AKU FAIL EXAM FINAL AKU,,, AKU XNK REPEAT!!!!. tu je. tkot weyh,,,, aku gile sem lps,, las paper a.k.a kinesiology... aku siap sejam suku shj,,, pdhl paper tu 2 jam lbh kot!!!!!!!! argh!!! ni sume gara2 dya wat problem.... nk bnci da bnci tp mcm xde gne jewr.... abaikn je la.. hrp2 he dos not cheat on me AGAIN!.....

perasaan gemuruh skrg ni adlah dsbbkn:
1. result(tkot fail)
2. sem 3 (more serious)
3. clinical visit to hsptl Sg. Buloh


sudah giler......

nk tenang? wtpe lg? :
1. tgok movie korea yg ader my fav.
2. tido
3. bz kn myself with myself
4. usaha jgk bwat2 bz as bz as possible like, rite now

so, in the end

Wish me good luck!!!!
hrap2 cmrlang la idop saya ini.....

result da kuar 6ti, lau rajin kongsi la ea...

Adioss again...

Thursday, May 12, 2011

pistt off!!!

so pistt off!!!. geram nyer. dye ckp nk dtg, n then ttbe ckp on the way nk ke tmpt aku kete rosak. so, ader pit stop la nmpknyer b4 nk smpay umah aku. n then dye ckp esok la dtg sbb tgh tggu kete repair. skali! dye ckp tpksa balik kl sbb ade hal pntg. dye kne lpor dri b4 dye pegi sailing!!! ARGH!!!!! ase mcm tetpu idop2 sgt la. n then, ble dye smpy jewr kl dye nk kol but guess again!! NO!
sori la mlm ni aku tlmpau mrah sgt2 smpy xnk bkk mulut tp nk tulis jewr.. memang pelik sket aku ni klau tgh marah sgt2.Ni sume nk ungkit la ni. okey! here we go!!
evrytyme nk jmpe dye, oh God punyer la bz mngalahkn CEO syrkt la ktakan. n then, mmbe dye yg baik tu la dtg amik. ingtkn tu ntok the first and the last tyme but lps dye da start sruh kwn dye dtg fetch me mula la pnykit. Pape hal je msti kwn dye dtg amik aku, alsn dye so stupid. jauh! hbis kwn dye xjauh ke nk dtg amik aku!!!!!???? %$&*#$#.
aku kdg2 ase mcm aku ngn kwn dye je.. kwn dye je la ble pape jd, dye msti ade. KONFEM!! mmg caring n baik sgt kwn dye. ase mcm kapel je ngn kwn dye tu. aku ni mcm da jtuhh hati kt kwn dye je. Suspen aku.
pendek cter, aku admire la kt kwn dye diam2 n now aku lbeyh suke kwn dye dtg amik dr dye dtg amik. aku lebih slese kua ngn kwn dye dr dye. terok an aku ni? tp bkn slh aku. so, conclusion nye kt sni, aku suke gle kt kwn dye tp aku xtaw nk bwt cne n aku ase kwn dye tu pon share the same feeling with me. Tp, masing2 diam sbb tkot. Yela, dye msti la nk jge kprcayaan kwn dye. aku lak of course la. nk kne marah ke?? hee~~ Mintak simpang lewr.


Something happen mase aku tgh luah prasaan kt blog ni. dye kol gtaw yg dye da nk pegi sailing for 2 WEEKS!!!! 2 WEEKS!!!! n then aku pon bertindak giler atas nsht adviser aku yg paling baik2 loyal n also my best frend hajie, aku pon sroh dye kem salam kt eliy a.k.a kwn dye yg slalu jge aku tu. n i also sroh dye pesan kt eliy jge dri baik2, jgn skip meals sume bla, bla, bla, etc. etc n etc. Lantak la dye nk kte ape pon. Bia dye trase sket bak kte hajie. sape sroh.. hihihi.. Like I always said, 'revenge is sweet'. dye pon agk heran la, aku xtaw la dye smpaykn ke x kt eliy msj2 aku tu. Eliy msti hepi!!!
~~hati2 ea eliy mase sailing~~

fuhh, what a relief ble dpt luahkn sket. ni bru sket taw. hahaha. k lah wtpe xtidow lg sbb dye kn? kn? hahaha~~ Crazy

Sunday, May 8, 2011

warna warni lala lali

nice day to talk bout colours. I guess.

IF red stands for passion and white for what’s pure then a mix of the two stands for the cure to all of our woes talkin’ ‘bout LOVE (haha) so come all yee thugz come all yee ho’s and don’t even think tonight all colours in life will be PINK.

so sape yg xske pink tu jgn la mngate ye. diri ini pon tidak brape suke akan pink but when I think again, it's true u noe.

tapi jangan la over sangat plak. org nk pkay pink pon kne ikot kesesuaian okey~~

tu juz briefing je

this is the best part for me today. terjumpe 1 blog tulis ni........







SUNDAY = ******

ni bukanlah warna yg dipilih pd hr tertentu in my life but it is sumthing that I found interesting to post.

ISNIN paling sesuai cetuskan idea baru,rangsang, semangat dan lahirkan azam baru & gud day for solving problem yg tertunggak bcoz idea in monday is way creative pd hari ini. cube tgok ea, hari isnin, bunga putih jauh lebih mekar ble compare ngn hari len. usually la kn, bunga putih tnam hr len susah nk idop tp okey je ble tnam hr isnin. cube try tgok~~

in case sakit like lemah semangat, kelesuan, hilang confidence, halusination, PELUPA, epilepsi & nyanyuk rawatan sesuai sgt lah bwat hr isnin ni. TRY!!

SELASA~ org yg slalu migrain mesti lega evrytyme munculnye SELASA coz hr selasa ni hari pink and pink ni bukti LOVE. hari ni sesuai sgt la untuk beremosi, luahkan prasaan kpd psgn masing2 (so haji, lau tkot nk luah kt dya.. tggu hr selasa taw). Dengan pkay bju pink jgk, kuasa memujuk tu smakin mencurah-curah. Next time, lau de org nk bunuh diri terjun bangunan ke pkay la bju pink pegi pjuk org tu trun dr bgunan.

ble I think again r, bomba an bju dye merah, oren2 (GARANG).. dorg ptut change it to pink. BRILLIANT IDEA!! hahahaha

WEDNESDAY a.k.a RABU is a perfect day to give speech, bersidang, meeting, @ berpidato. compare ngn hari len r kn, rwtn ntok pnyakit kerongkong, beguk,tonsil sesuai sgt lorh langsaikn hr ni jgk.

KHAMIS; wrna rgsangan. bgus ntok tmbh zuriat lewr. so mcti korg boleh agk pnykt berkaitan ape suitble hr dirawat ni?? of course pnykt related 2 reproductive system korg.

JUMAAT sesuai ntok aktvti pernfsan. contoh: hr selain hr jumaat, lau kmpul kt tmpt rmai org la, ase rimas,lemas tp hr jumaat okey jewr boys smyg jumaat yg rmai org tu. btol x? kn? kn?SABTU = merah. sesuai ntok hang out, chill out with frenz, fmly, etc.AHAD sesuai partner ngn wrna hitam. sesuai ntok relax. Sebab tu, ade sstgh ngeri cuti hari Ahad. BUT, hr ni jgk pergerakan zarah xstabil lewr ktakan, sbb tu r kn org yg bljr silat pkay bju hitam knon2 la ade sstgh mlut mngtkan yg dorg akan rasa bebas dr kgkongan @ pengaruh asing (-ve charge).

ala,, aku xpnah taw la plak. b4 ni pown, main bedal je paky baju kaler ape on hr2 ape yg aku suka. so far so good jr tp after this siap la investigation aku. hihihihi